Vision and Mission


Providing tradition of excellence consultancy services exceeding our clients’ expectations and recognized locally:

  • Generate a loyal customer base via full integration with client-driven alliances.
  • Deliver superior value, flexible, cost-effective, and integrated engineering solutions in compliance with the latest design/construction international and local codes and standards across our extensive project portfolio.
  • Develop collaborative communication networking channels to inspire and mobilize all Immara resources at hand to reach out for their full potential.
  • Design the blueprint for future development and secure sustained strategic repositioning to effectively maneuver rapidly fluctuating global, regional, and local market conditions.

about-as1Forbes reported, in Indonesia, there are about 250,000 companies in trouble every year. The loss is not only financial but also in term of human capital and quality of life.

Business performance has deteriorated to a level that is low enough to jeopardize lending relationships, customer contracts, credit ratings, and employee confidence. Their survival may depend upon how quick and how vigorously they pursue a course that will generate financial and human capital.

In Indonesia there are about 50.000 companies from small enterprises to conglomerates, which is in difficult situation. Their performance has deteriorated significantly, and it affects the stock holders of companies, lender, customer, vendor and eventually the employee.

Who to be blamed ?….  The global economics conditions, the government or the lender ? ….

The answer is certainly……No ! So, we present here, in the right time.

about-as2Our experiences in turnaround and crisis consulting firm, and our Indonesia partner’s experience in strategic change for performance and competitiveness, will be combined to contribute the best for your company.

We are aware that the case is not simple, so we have to build a team work among us.

Your company’s team and our facilitator team will work hand in hand to find the best solution to handle the crisis.

Step out to trouble ……